Club Penguin December 2013 Furniture Catalog Cheats

Earlier today marks the release of the December 2013 edition of the Club Penguin furniture catalog, meaning there's new furniture to customize our igloos and secrets hidden throughout the catalog. With the Holiday party fast approaching, Club Penguin has themed this month's issue to just that: the Holidays. This is an ideal catalog theme, of course, seeing as the 2013 Holiday party and Coins for Change is set to begin on the 19th of December. Sadly, there are no secrets in the December section of the furniture catalog. Nevertheless, there are previous secrets that can be had. To help you locate each of the cheats and secrets in this month's catalog, Club Penguin Surfer has provided you with a complete text guide below. Here are the Club Penguin December 2013 Furniture Catalog Cheats:

Here's a look at the catalog cover:

As I've mentioned earlier, there's no secrets in the latest section of the catalog. However, this section has some really cool Holiday items that you can purchase to decorate your igloo with. If you wish, you can check out the new pages below without having to log onto Club Penguin.

Railroad tunnels can be purchased on the first page of the catalog. The red line tunnel for 150 coins, the green line tunnel for 150 coins, and the blue line tunnel for 150 coins.
Join the Railway! Members can purchase a train tunnel for their igloo. They'll get featured on the Train Station Igloo list. Then, trains can depart from their igloos! Active from Dec. 19 to Jan. 1. 

On the second page you can purchase the railroad crossing sign for 200 coins, the railroad corner for 50 coins, the railroad crossing for 50 coins, the railroad piece for 50 coins, and the railroad intersection, you guessed it, for 50 coins.

The third page includes the Holiday station clock for 250 coins, the luggage case for 100 coins, the handbag for 100 coins, the candy cane lantern for 100 coins, the Holiday centerpiece for 50 coins, and the Holiday wreath for 50 coins. I especially love the Holiday station clock!

The fourth page of the December furniture includes the train car present for 75 coins, the train engine present (Perfect gift to give to Trainman1405 for Christmas) for 100 coins, the newsstand for 75 coins, the station bench for 75 coins and the train crossing sign for 100 coins.

The fifth page has returning furniture items from the previous year's catalog. The tinker train engine for 700 coins, the tinker car for 350 coins, the holly jolly tree for 300 coins, stocking for 50 coins, and the Holiday lights for 30 coins.

On the sixth and final page of the catalog there's the Holiday fireplace for 500 coins, the cozy blue door for 800 coins, the cozy red house for 800 coins, and the cozy green house for 800 coins. Didn't know a door could be so expensive, ha ha.

Let's get to the secrets. First of all, you can go to the fourteenth page and click on the glowing cauldron to reveal the spooky surprise. 

If you flip over to the seventeenth page, you can click on the puffle gargoyle located on the graveyard gate to reveal the laughing lantern.

And lastly, to get the glowing grin, you can click on the neon bat that is located in the eighteenth page of the catalog. 

That concludes out text guide to the December 2013 Furniture Catalog on Club Penguin. In review this catalog has some really cool Holiday items for our igloos yet the lack of secrets demeans the quality of the catalog. Regardless, the items are of fresh design and these can certainly be used to decorate your igloo in a unique fashion. You can tell Club Penguin's stepping it up a notch for the long anticipated Holiday party. Be sure to leave a comment in the comments section below and let us know your thoughts and opinions of the Club Penguin December 2013 furniture catalog.



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